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HTML5 Software

To set up a website use the Hyper-Text-Markup-Language referred to as HTML. To begin open a file in a text-editor such as Notepad++ version 6.9.2 and save the file with the extension .html. This particular text-editor can be downloaded for free from the internet at: official Notepad++ website.

The basic HTML5 elements are header, main, section, article, nav, aside, and footer (Murach, p101). (including the W3 Validator)

The world wide web consortium, has a website; whereby, the HTML file text that you have been working on may be uploaded directly into what is known as a W3C Validation service site. This site allows you to check your HTML work. The easy way to do so is select the validate by direct input option; and, copy the HTML text directly there and click on the button check. Scroll down the page and if there are errors they will be noted for you in pink and highlighted in the HTML text in yellow: validator by W3C's website (Murach, p75)